Sunday, January 3, 2010

my dReam coMe trUe

cite cam besar sgt je

i got many dreams
and this one
just my tiny one
but still
i really hope

and it was fulfilled

and im so happy!!!!!!!!!!

sejak i datang sini,cam byk gile kembang ape keliling surabaya
[kembang api=bunga api percik2]
al-maklum lah,
duk kat kampung,mane ade nk tgk bunga api ni..
plg tgk kat tv..

new year kat sn,xbes gi mall..sbb sesak sgt
so besa nye duk umah
bile countdown je naek atas bumbung umah ibu kat depan..
since i was kid
i always dream to watch kembang api with someone i love on rooftop
or anywhere not on the ground
[ dlm cite eiffle i'm in love lak]

on new year eve
try ajak my sayang gi jalan2 menghirup udara malam,
but i knew already that he wants to spend da night at home
lgpun siang tu kitorang masak nasi lemak together and stil ada,
die pun ajak la mkn kat umah die
da makan,kitorang pn tgk tv dgn mmber2 housemate die..
then suddenly,dgr bunyi kembang api..
igt nak wat bodoh je memandangkn i sorang je excited
tp xleh tahan la dgr bunyi kembang api
usha la kat luar
xnmpk sgt
las2 my sayang ajak
jom tgk kat atas atap
kitorang pun pegu la atas atas
memandangkn umah die 2tgkat
kat situ jugak la kitorg maen bunga api ramai2 tym raya ritu

that time la was the part my dream come true

im too excited watching kembang api
plg excited,die percik 2x..cantik sgt..

then da abes baru die bawak saya balik umah..

till tomorrow,
i still excited
excited sbb byk sgt kembang api
excited sbb dpt tgk dgn die


1 comment:

  1. heheee..*jeles*;p
    nnti cakap kat sarip soh die bawak aku tgk bunge api ats bumbung jugak tau..
    ok,tp jgn cakap aku suro ckp;p..hohooo
