Sunday, May 3, 2009

im temporarily shutting down my life

i think this gonna happen one day..
but really xbajet now im gonna through this..
i dun wanna cry..
i wanna fell happy..
but i really cant..
why must u do this 2me?
for a year i feel guilty..
for a year i wish u could forgive me..
truely,i need u in my life..
im glad to have u in my life..
why i juz cant be ur friend..
saya sayangkan awak
setiap hari saya harap awak maafkan saya..
setiap saat saya berdoa tuk kegembiraan awak..
saya xfaham nape awak kne wat sume ni
u juz have to take care of her..
i know u will be happy..
u are happy..

im shutting down..
too many to erase..
can i keep those memories..
oh god..
how could i forgot sweet memories..

i juz wish
sume ni cepat berlalu..
i thought i can handle this..
i thought i wont cry..
i should be happy actually..

:+:wishes to u if u read this one day:+:
byk2 niat saya,saya rase hanya satu yg mampu..
may on ur graduation day,
u could wear my gift to u..
da lame saya niat,
da separuh niat saya tercapai..
tinggal awak je yg perlu menyempurnakan selebihnya..
saya xharapkan pape,
kecuali awak paaki hadiah 2 pada hari awak grads,
dgn org2 tersayang di sekeliling awak..
tuk tzm awak,
saya rasa xsusah da kot nak cari pembonceng..
lots of luv from me..


  1. huhu
    apa yg berlaku?
    apa2 pon,be strong eh.
    moga probs ko tu settle cepat2

  2. zu......i told u dat u always and always can talk to me.....
    jgnlah sedih2 mcm ni zu....
    i feel like crying reading your post...
    i hope you'll be okay...
    i'll pray for your happiness....
    be strong dear....
