Saturday, February 28, 2009

How to Get Over an Embarassing Moment

Oh no! You just dropped your lunch tray in front of everyone and made a huge mess! How do you get over it? Easy - just follow these steps and say goodbye to blushing and butterfly filled stomachs!


  1. Laugh.
  2. Address it like you know it happened.
  3. Tell the people who are making fun of you that you give up and they win with a smile on your face.
  4. Don't get super defensive.
  5. Don't look down.
  6. Cry at home, not in front of people.
  7. Tell your parents.
  8. Get advice.
  9. Never stop laughing.
  10. Remember that in a few days, nobody will probably even remember it ever happened.
  11. Make it funny. For example, if you fall off your chair, say something like "I do all my own stunts!"

Be Happy!


  • Don't laugh too much.
  • Don't completely give up, just be kind of sneaky in the ways you get over it.
  • Don't deny it, if people saw it happen then you will just look stupid acting like nothing happened
  • Do not show your weakness about it in front of others. (This includes crying, sulking, etc.)

Friday, February 27, 2009

last things i would share bout my bufday

eventhough it was a week ago..
but i still feel like yesterday..


i would like to thanks everyone dat remember my birthday and wish me..
gadafi, u are the 1st to wish me..thanks..
then,khasanah,who tried to call me,but dunno how,but after one single warning, she did call dat nite..hehhe..thanks dear..
then,irah, wish sampai anta 4 msg comey..
then, my really surprised dat she stay till 12 o'clock to wish me..i love u,mum
after dat, zaidi, called and then msg me..
next,aimi..thila..fren..hazirah...aiman..also wish me 4times..
in the morning, i woke up,n received wishes from k.niza, abg.raihan,n my dad..hehhe
he wanted to wish me dat night,but i said no coz its still not 12 o'clock yet..then my brother called me and wish me,too..his bufday is coming soon..
then,nad,irah again and anis..
dat afternoon, i have small makan2..acap cant come coz he woke up late,so he uz msg me and wish..
dat night, makbusu called me coz she said sarah miss me..she wish me,n i wish her too coz dat day was her wedding anniversary..
i talked to my miss her so bad..she sang for me a birthday song with such a spirit,then ask me weather i have cake or not bcoz she wants my cake..hehe..then,she told me dat she can talk chinese n said one simple sentence..i really miss her..
then,fatin wish me..she forgot da date,dats why she forgot my bufday..
but wat make me almost cry,my sis mms me nufail pic and said,hepy bufday,auntie ngah..huhu
straight after dat, my bro-in-law sent me mms also,but with nufail's voice..n u know wat,he's sweet...i cant wait to meet my nephew back..
owh..n nou..she wish me at 11 o'clock..not even wish me at my makan2..wat a bad person..hehehe..she blanje me ice-cream dat nite..even bkn ice-cream mahal,thanks..
i also wanna thanks to everyone who wish me at my blog,my friendster,and belated birthday..and ones dat i forgot to mention u here..but i still thanks to Allah and may He bless u all..

my bufday presents..hehhehehhe
abg raihan gave me kain batik b4 he went back home forever..
thila+k.niza gave me a keroppi teddy bear..hehe..big one..
aimi gave me keroppi cd bag and keroppi hp's stocking..u know what,the cd bag of keroppi,i have been looking for dat thing such a long time..thanks aimi!!
nou gave me sweet little handbag..and frog's tabung..heheh
fren gave me frog's notebook..heheh..katak pisang juz like da one in animal planet..
kesimpulannye, i suke sgt coz dapat byk barang keroppi..kalo u al masuk bilik i,mst igt ni tmpt rehab katak2 pisang..
coz cam da beranak2 je katak2 ni..u know what, now i got 4kataks on my bed..da small one is da 1st tym i got katak makcik jb bought for me at mid valley when i was 16.then,2 froggy from gadafi..and da last one and da biggest is da new one..betul,kan..da beranak pinak..

and my bufday cake..hehhe..i wanna make it simple,so i uz wanna combined chocolate and susah sgt nk cari,i suh di watkan..i suh die wat choc cake..then i suh die letakkan krim putih kat border tu sebanyak 22..hehe..i thought it was impossible,but he really did it..
so,i beli strawberry, gi ambik kat kedai,bawak balik,then potong2 buah 2,n i susun la hasil die..

hehhe..comey kan..act pic ni ambik kat blog lg 2 pic kat blog die..

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

kek lapis for my beloved greatest mum

semalam yusrina balik surabaya setelah sekian lama cuti sakit kat malaysia
Alhamdulillah die da sehat n leh stat belaja balik
so,my mum paskan sumthing kat ayah die
memandangkan my mum kenal ayah die coz ayah die pn maybank gak,cume bukan 1branch ngan my mum..
my mum secara emergency nye pas kan my new atm card
coz my atm card rosak
asyik swap je kot
ni tgh duk tggu msg dari bapak yus
bile la die nk umpe i ni

memandangkan i xbalik lgsg diz sem[sdey sgt tau i sorg je xblk]
so i duk pikir nk kirim ape kat ibu i
i nk kirim handbag tuk ibu and ayong yg i beli from jogja
i terase nk belikan kek lapis for my mum..
coz die penah cakap,asyik bawak blk brownies je..
but i stil hope i got more times coz sok last day exam..
after exam baru nk beli kek lapis..
then,kalo de mase,i nak belikan gak tuk adik2 i
or anak buah i

rindu nye kat diorg

leh kate everynite i dreamt bout my family
bout my big family

if i juz got one wish dat can make it happen, i uz wanna go home even for a while
to hug my mum

i juz realized why im so homesick

last sem i xbalik tym cuti bulan 8
coz i nk balik kne pilih salah satu

bile da balik raya
i juzz got 5days..
tp 2hari gi dungun..
my bestfren's sister got married
my dad,my sister,my bro-in-law and their son ikut gak
except my mum
coz ayah i suh watkan sambal daun kayu for me to bring back to surabaya
i juz got little tym with my mum

i miss u so much
i know deep in your heart u want me to come back
but i will not be so pushy unless u really said to me that u wan me to go back
i will wait till dat moment
even i know its hard to happen
i love u mum..

Saturday, February 21, 2009





Tuesday, February 17, 2009

vampires VS werewolves

hey guys...

do u wanna know sumthing about me?...


saya seorang yg susah sangat setiap kali tido,saya xmimpi pape..
so, everytime i sleep, i must dream of sumthing..

well,back to last week,
saya baru je habiskan bace novel new moon and eclipse..


terbayangkan camne gaya edward cullen sambil duk bace..
huhuhu.. edward cullen (gaya cam org angau sambil tulis part ni)

then dlm new moon kn jacob 2 jadik werewolf..all da quilettes guy are werewolves..

so, mlm td...matok gak la..even b4 maghrib da tido sejam lebih...
so,kul 12 lebih da tido...

ntah camne, leh lak aku mimpi besa2 je dl..
aku n member2 ku cam tido dlm satu umah..
ntah camne, mmg aku tau yg aku ni vampire n de werewolfe tgh carik aku..
takut la kan..
so nk selamatkan diri,aku kuar kot pntu belakang umah sambil kawan2 aku tlg back up..


camni...mlm 2 de org dtg umah nk nginap...kitorg pn izinkan la..
dalam awal pagi cmtu aku terbangun,then baru aku tahu yg org asing tuh act werewolf yg nk bunuh aku...
aku pn lari ikut pintu belakang..
tp aku sempat usha ikut cermin,tgk kawan2 aku tgh nyenyak tido..

pstu, ntah cmne.
paham2 la mimpi kan hyperbola..
kat blkg umah aku de umah lg..
nmpk gaya dlm mimpi aku tu, cam blkg umah 2 rupe2nye sume da jd werewolf..
eh,ke vampire yg jahat eh??
pokoknye,aku nyorok2 nak lari..
tp ntah cmne...
de salah sorang dari org kat umah tu, nmpk aku..
pstu die jerit kat kawan2 die..
mencelinak aku lari..
masuk ke halaman umah org lagi satu..
tp org kat umah tu xtau pape..
die xtau aku vampire,n xtau aku dikejar oleh werewolf..
die tgk keadaan cam mencemaskan,
die tanye kenapa,kot2 die leh tolong..
rupe2nye kat umah 2 de org kawen..
hari tu baru nk akad nikah..
aku baru nk tgk[sbb aku kenal pasangan yg nk kawen tu..hehhe]
tanpa ku sedari, de werewolf kat belakang ku dan hampir menerpa..
aku berjaya menepis..
adrenalin ku memuncak..hehhe
siap ade adegan terbang2 lg..
[pastu terbangun subuh..tido balik mimpi bersambung..hahhaha]

pstu aku lari lagi..
ni nmpk gaya cam nak masuk hutan..
dalam pada nk masuk hutan 2,
aku jumpe ngan adik aku n member2 die yg jugak vampire..
diorg tgh maen kat sungai..maen terjun2..
die ajak aku join..
rupe2nye,tanpa kusedari..
de 1group werewolves berjaya ikut track kitorg..
dasat mimpi aku tu
mmg ade bab terbang2..

pastu aku terbangun tido.... petualangan besar lak even bende 2 satu malam nye kisah..


Sunday, February 15, 2009


kagum x...rini hari ahad,tp aku bangun awal..
seyes...smlm tido dalam kul 1pagi
tp bgn kul 7.35pg
gara2 makcil nou kat bawah duk terjerit...

ape la,pagi2 da memekik..hehhhehhehhe

dengan xbangun dari katil pn, trus call akak..awal gak akak aku ni bangun..

besa hari minggu ni nak tghari baru nk bgn...

hehhehe...2 sebelum kawen la...

ni da ade anak kot bgn awal,sbb anak die bgn dl dari die..

tadi xdapat cakap dgn ibu, sebabnye ibu tgh masak..
NASI AYAM..hhhuhuuh
selamat ritu aku masak nasi ayam gak..
aku rase nnt balik umah, nak challenge la sape masak nasi ayam lg bes..
hehhehe..but my cook is my mom's recipe

rini umahku di malaysia bz sgt...[ceit,hyperbola je la.xde la sgt kot.]
yg pasti, RIUH..itu da confirm

rini nak celebrate bufday NUFAIL..
ayong duk berlagak order kek secret recipe perisa oreo..
nyampah nye...

my dad..japgi jemput my one and only brother dari mrsm..
yg last week baru je register masuk..
slamat skola dekat je dgn umah..
leh balik selalu..

so, here i am..wishing for my cute baby..

1. semoga cepat jalan

2. semoga bile da tumbuh gigi ni xkuat gigit orang

3. semoga xnyusahkan bunda die selalu
[hehhe,tp bunda die je saje bagi alasan xnk masak sbb nufail lasak]

4. semoga jadi baby boy yg comey

5. semoga kenal la kat auntie ngah die ni bile auntie ngah die balik

6. semoga x cengeng..hehhehehe

7. semoga cepat dapat adik baru..hehhe

8. wish to meet u soon...


Saturday, February 14, 2009

22-02=22..I'M START COUNTing!!!-[part 2]

seminggu lagi aku nk masuk 22tahun...


terasa nk wat list la plak...

kot2 de yg nk bagi saya yg becok ni adiah..

perasan je..


list ni saya buat, leh kate bende2 yg saya idamkan..
samada yg saya impikan seumur idup ato yg saya nk sgt skg ni..


1. BMW Z4
[recently i juz figure out dat da price is half of a]

2. handphone

3. watch

4. handbag

5. keroppi bedsheet [comey nye..nak satu..huhu]

6. heels [sweet kan..sweet sgt]

7. sweater

8. belt

9. of course, blue rose..long tym dun see it

10. last but not least, airplane ticket to malaysia..huhu..nak balik..

actually nak wat 22 list memandangkan umurku 22tahun..hehehehhe...
tp tgh2 malam ni,matok lak..
otak jam sket...

Friday, February 13, 2009

12feb..such a meaningful day of mine..


even rini 13hb..huhu..semalam xsempat tulis..

juz nak wish hepy birthday kat 2 orang yg sgt special in my life..

1st of all, my bestfriend, forever and ever..


[die yg plg kiri]

2ndly, to my nephew...only and only....


comey nye die..rindu sgt kat die...

both of them were born on da same day..

huhu..hopefully my anak buah xsame perangai cam khasanah..
huhu..mati la kalo nak layan camtu..

tadi baru call rumah..

akak balik pg td...

then,cakap dgn die,sambil die dukung nufail..

huhu....bes n sedey....

bes dapat dgr suara die...sedey sbb xde kat sane n tgk die mmbesar...

hopefully bile i come back home,
he can recognize me as his auntie..hehe..auntie ngah...

to khasanah...
ko mmg gedik mlm tu..
seyesly, in my whole life,dat would be da moment ko sungguh gedik..
tidak ku sangka...

so,my wish to u..

hope ur life full of happiness

hope what u dream of, come true

hurm..sebabkan ko da 22 taun, pikir2 la bab kawen.. la..standard 23 tahun tau..hehe

even ko plg tua antara kita 4 org,tp ko la plg budak2 sekali....

hope our friendship last forever..i love u n i will awiz do....

Friday, February 6, 2009

22-02=22..I'M START COUNTing!!!-[part 1]

lame da xupdate blog..
tetiba bNYk mende nAK cite..tapi..
tangan ni lak yang malas nak menaip..

SEYESLY,when i'm gone for a week bcoz of illness syndrome, which happen to me n my housemae..
i was so lazy, so tangan berat tuk menaip..

i like dat number...

bcoz its my BUFDAY!!!

what make it's so meaningful, it's bcoz..
i'm 22..n my BUFDAY is on 22nd of FEB..

biarla orang nk ckp poyo ke ape ke..den xkesah..asalkan den suko..

sume orang xsuke getting older..
maybe diz is one reason why im such a weird, compare to other homo sapien..
but not in all cases..juz few..dats make me so weird..

i love getting older..
saya pun xtau la nape saya suke..maybe sebab saya suke celebrate bufday..
but i dun like eat cake..juz one piece..ok la..
maybe bcoz only on dat day u being so special..bcoz u r a BUFDAY GURL..

kalo kawen,sehari n sekali tu je jadi raja sehari..[ni tuk kes yg kawen sekali seumur hidup]

but kalo bufday, every year,on da same day, u bcome special..

but, what i'm so proud bcoz..
i was born on february..and i'm a piscean..
both combination are so great..but DO I?

hurm..let's see..


his gentle sign cannot hurt your directly, it is their weaknesses that can scramble your brains. The majority of Pisces people are kind and gullible. [saya memang baik kan??hehe]

The young Pisces are adventurous[ini saya setuju], ambitious[setuju gak], impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. The Pisces are pioneers both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom[betul,saya setuju]. These people possess a curiously natural understanding[haha,hurm..saya rase saya setuju], which they do not obtain from books or study. They easily acquire, or rather absorb, knowledge, especially of the history of countries, travel, research, and like subject. [betul sgt]

Although by nature generous, yet they are usually over-anxious about money matters, and inclined to worry about what their future position in life may be. This state of mind is largely due to their dislike and dread of being dependent on others more than from any love of money.

They can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in their companions and, though themselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others.[saya sgt setuju,so xleh marah kalo saya sensitif] These qualities make them, however, much misunderstood, and they are often considered dose in money matters when in reality they are not.

People born in this period often go back on their promises, especially on questions of money. They promise to give, on the impulse of the moment, but if they have time for reflection then the tear of future poverty forces them, as rule, to break their promise or give perhaps, only one hah of what they had stipulated. From that point of view people born in this period should try to exercise an iron self-control, to discipline the qualities and tendencies of their character to the advantage, not the detriment, of the society in which they move.

These people are also more mentally ambitious[walaupun yg saya idamkan tu agak merapu and kind of magical, but i have to agree] than otherwise. They may know their subject well in their mind, but they will hesitate and undervalue their own individuality if they find they have to put it to a test in any public manner

They are inclined to brood and become melancholy, or to imagine all the world is against them and that they are being made martyrs of. Depression gets them. Because they see life as a mystical whole, they take it as a sign that they're bad people when things go wrong. No other zodiac sign plans the evening on the basis of a reading from a fortune cookie.

Many artists, musicians and literary people are born m this period, but they must receive great encouragement ever to make the best of themselves.

These people are very devoted to their friends or to any cause they take up, provided they feel they are trusted or looked up to. They are generally successful in all positions of responsibility[betul ke xbetul?hurm..well,not in everything], bat at the same time they are not inclined to push themselves forward, and usually wait to be asked before giving their opinions.

The strongest and weakest characters are found in this sign. Some are inclined to gratify their innate sense of luxury and self-indulgence and, if this side of the nature is the one that controls, they are likely to be too easy-going, to be too receptive to their surroundings, to become influenced by false friends, to give way to fraudulent schemes and in some cases are inclined to become addicted to drugs or drink[not yet,but will i??huhu].

If, however, persons born in this part of the year find some purpose worth living for, they rise to the emergency as no others can. These are the people that one meets sometimes in Life who surprise their friends by their sudden change of character. Pisceans are shy[ PALING saya SETUJU..sume orang pn setuju kan??]. Other people think they are mysterious, or just confused, but a Pisces can sort out other people's troubles.

All people who were born in this sign are highly emotional.[pliz la jangan marah kalo saya EMO.saya memang dilahirkan EMO..] If they belong to the weak side of it, they are easily influenced by the people with whom they are thrown into contact, but if they belong to the stronger side, their emotional nature can lift them up to any height.

In business matters they are really good in dealing with shipping and trade with foreign countries. Sea captains, sailors of all kinds, also travelers, are often born under this sign.

Such people have a curiously mystical side to their nature as well as the practical. They are often classed as superstitious, the occult in all its forms appealing to them in one way or another. They love to search out or investigate the unknown, the philosophical, or the mysterious. If people born in this sign overcame their sensitiveness and developed their will-power, there is no position in life they could not attain. It is important to remember that there is still the little devil in them,[wat2 xnampak tau phrase ni] which means that at times they would attain their goals more easily by gently giving in without resistance to the demands of a given social situation, rather than getting their ambitious entangled in something larger and more powerful than they are.

They will lie to save your feelings,[see,i juz wanna save ur feeling,bukannye tipu suke2 tau..hard decision..] or just to stake out a little privacy for themselves. They don't like to be alone too much,[pliz dont leave for long time..huhu..hehhe] just a little, to get the peace back. They can get addicted to booze, pills, or crackerjacks, so they really have to watch it.

opps..tertinggal satu bende lagi..
bace lagi sket eh..
tak abes lagi rupenye..

Pisces - The Sign of the Dolphin
Your personality is a combination of all the zodiac signs[kan bagus,all in one..hehe] . You may be a musically or artisticly gifted person, and creativeness is inherent in you. You are a great empathiser,[my mum selalu cakap cmtu..i ni cepat kesian kat orang] always knowing how someone else is feeling. That makes a good councellor and a sensitive lover[well,it's in my blood..] from you. Occasionally you enjoy solitude and like to get away from everyone and stay alone in order to regain your senses.

i LOVE being ME...