Hello Sunday!
Rase cam da lame da x tulis..
Ok,let's share something about what I'm thinking..
Kadang2 kite selalu benci akan sesuatu yg orang buat..
But, believe me, the more you hate,
Actually the more likely what u've done unconsciously..
Benci seseorang dgn benci akan ape yg orang buat is two different thing
I'm not gonna write bout hate someone,but the other thing
I always hate to tell people how I hate about someone act or behave or wutsoever
Bcoz if u could sit back and refresh ur mind,
U had done it, sedar atau tidak, to someone else..
But ofcourse,u have ur own reason,and that's how u defend urself..
Reason that the person never know or understand
Same goes to other person..
Sometimes you sigh about why she/he did that,
Why she/he act like that,
Why he/she is so damn,
The truth is,u never know..coz anything might possible..
Kadang2 kite jmpe org yg baik dgn kita,suddenly die xsenyum selepas kite melambai dgn semangatnye,then kite jadi menyampah sbb die xsenyum balik,
Atau kite baru 1st time jumpe doctor,then doc tu badmood and xsenyum,tapi next time jumpe doc tu leh je sembang and mengajar kite..
They might have their own reasons..
Mcm kwn kite yg kite menyampah tu sbb kite da melambai dgn semangatnye,
Mybe dari jauh die rabun,die xnampak,or mybe something baru je happen kat die yg buat die mmg xde mood langsung nk tegur sesape..uols mybe akan ckp,ala,org lain boleh je senyum balik even ade benda buruk happen pn,well,he/she not org lain..he/she might not same as you,but sometimes you did act like that too..try put urself in her/his shoes,feel that,then u might find few reason why she/he did that,from good reason till worst..and you just let it go..
That is somehow teach u to always think good about other..
Janganlah kamu bersangka buruk..
So,sentiasa lah bersangka baik..even kadang2 mmg die menyebalkan,sucks and etc,
Just let it go,coz u are better and don't make them ruin ur mood and mind..
Mcm kisah2 yg xmasuk akal kat indo ni..nk kate kite curik heritage die,sampai la ke game bola AFF kemarin..xyah stress2 utk orang yg pemikiran x sama dgn kite,jgn bazir tenaga utk mereka2 yg pemikiran sampai takat tu je..bagi saya,saya maafkan je sape yg cakap cam xde otak tu,sbb mmg takat tu je diorg leh pikir..kite yg berfikiran agak luas ni,yg patutnye xyah nk hangin2..
Ok,pasal labcoat,saya xpenah anta laundry..huhu..sayang ok..takut labcoat xseputih yg biasa..haha..tapi bukan sbb tu..tapi sebab betapa byknye habuk dlm celah2 poket labcoat sy..so,tiap kali basuh labcoat anda,sentiasalah lihat2 di balik poket,sbb mybe da setumpuk habuk dalam tu..sekian!
[ Muka Surat 9 ] - Blinded by the Lies
3 days ago
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